We have so much great news to share with everyone today. Unfortunately, Dan was not able to make it. He, of course, sends his well wishes, and will be speaking with everyone soon, and I’ll share more about that in a moment.
I have some great information. The most important I want to share with everyone today is about the Biggest Talent contest. We have some great new promotions, and new Affiliate tools that will be released very soon, some of them with this Recap, and others in the days after that. So, we’re really excited to share that with you.
In other news, of course, as you know, we have our Most Famous Awards Show. That is happening on Nov. 7, 2016, and the show starts at 9:30 PM, at Bally’s in Las Vegas. Now for those of you who would like to attend, all you have to do is send an email to:
And, in your email, you want to include how many tickets that you would like, and if you would like assistance with a hotel room. We have a really great deal at the Westgate Hotel. This is a 4-star hotel, and was formerly the Hilton Hotel. So, that is really fantastic. Now, as far as any price for tickets, actually these are available for members. [To be very clear, there is no charge for the tickets to the Most Famous Award Show 2016, just send your email and let us know how many tickets you need.] So, if you can make it to Vegas, just send us an email. Let us know how many are in your party; and if you would like to stay at the Westgate Hotel, we can help you out getting that set up.
Also, to share with you, the line-up for the Most Famous Awards Show, we’re very proud to announce that, as you know, this is the Most Famous Awards Show 2016, and also the Biggest Talent Contest New Season Kick-Off Party. Of course, we will have Miruna Pop, from Romania; we will have Weil, from Bulgaria; and Juyanis, from Ecuador, will also be performing. Of course, our host, the wonderful Mr. Matt Gallant, who is also the new face of our VEEDEO TV, he will be there; as well as, Ester Goldberg, will be joining him on stage; because, of course, she would never miss the Most Famous Awards Show! So, this is going to be a very special event.
We will have some surprise guests, as well. So, all members are invited. Just send us an email, and let us know how many tickets you would like, and if you need any assistance with the hotel room. Oh, another great thing about the Westgate Hotel is that there is a monorail that runs between Bally’s and the Westgate, so as far as going to the show from the hotel, you can just take the monorail, to and from the show. So, it’s very convenient. You might even get to rub shoulders with some of our special guests, because they will also be staying at the Westgate Hotel. So, that is really fantastic, and we’re all super excited to see all of you at the show.
For those who cannot attend, we will be doing (of course, as we said), a very high-class, video production of the event; and that is anticipated to be available around November 11th. We’ll have more details about that later. It’s really going to be a high-class video, so you’re really going to enjoy it.
Other announcements: As you know, our 5th Anniversary is coming up on the November 11th, this year. To celebrate that, we have been making major improvements and updates across our whole Network, which I will share some “sneak peeks” with you today.
One thing though, on the Cashback Marketing website, on Thursday, Nov. 3rd, you should look for an update from the company, and that will be found inside your Member’s area.
Because we have so many great things coming out, it would take too long to share them all in one webinar on the 11th, so that’s why today we’re starting to share this information with you here.
Remember, on Nov. 11th we will have a General Webinar that will be happening at 11:11 AM, (U.S. PT), it’s already posted in the PI News, and in various other places, as well. So, if you haven’t registered already, definitely, you will not want to miss this (coming) webinar; so, be sure to register.
Before I leave (the subject) of the Biggest Talent, one of the special, promotional tools that we have coming out is an updated, Biggest Talent landing page, where a new person checking it out, can type in the RefID of the person who invited them. This will be especially useful, when for instance, you’re posting up a flyer, or passing out a card, or something like that, where you are inviting people to check out the page. You’ll see that update very soon online, as well.
[Note from Support: Look for updates on November 3, 2016 Company Time, here in the recap regarding the BT updates and new promo tools.]
Speaking of flyers, we are already in the process of doing the final touches on a promotional flyer for everyone, as well as some business cards that you can pass out.
[Note from Support: Look for updates on November 3, 2016 Company Time, here in the recap regarding the BT updates and new promo tools.]

Let’s talk about the updates in the Unicorn Network. Now, what we’ve done is, we have updated the layout of the Unicorn Network page, and you can see that mock-up here; where it’s more in our standard style, and makes it very user-friendly for new people visiting the page. That will be online very soon, as well.
[Note from Support: The Unicorn Network is back online now, the updates with the new landing page are still in process and you will see those complete on the Unicorn Network websites in the coming days. So watch for those.]

In other updates, we will have our “My News Wall” coming out, and this is really exciting. As you can see from this screenshot here, there are various news categories that you can choose from; and a very special thing is that for more than 70 countries around the world, we have local news, in your local (national) language. So, you will be able to choose which country you wish to have displayed on your My News Wall, and then you’ll be good to go. You can change your country at any time. When you set your country, first it will start at the default for USA; but once you set your country, when you logon next time, it will automatically stay where you left it the last time, or what you have it set as. So, that’s really convenient, and really useful for everyone, to be able to get all the news that you need and want in one place, in the national language of your country. So, that’s the My News Wall page.
This is one thing to understand. In PI, we have a news section, this new My News Wall will be integrated into PI later on, with a bit of a new design/layout, so it fits inside PI, and works just the way you want it to. So, look for those updates coming at a later time, as far as with PI; but we will have My News Wall online now and you can check it out.
[Note from Support: When you login, you will see the country selection under the My News Wall logo on the upper right box.]
As we’re always looking to make things better, and more perfect, we have done some improvements on Perfect Search; and I’m happy to share them with you today. What we’ve done is we’ve updated the layout. We added some additional features to help you search better; and as well, we have updated the rewards, and I’ll share with you more specifics with you in a little bit.

First, let’s take a look at how we’ve updated it. So, here you can see your standard Perfect Search page, before you’ve done any searches. And you’ll notice that now we have part of the Unicorn box with it, and of course, our Seal You Can Trust; as well as the Invited By and a new Search box, where you see you can search websites, images, or videos—very easily, just with one click there. And of course, when you do a search, all your search results show below (the top header). So, this header always stays at the top, and then your searchers all show at the bottom.
Now, in order to make things easier, both with the rewards that you can get, and how you understand the reward system, we’ve made some updates; but first, I’d like to share with you a very special video which will explain a little bit about what I’m about to share.
(Cate shared a new promo video for the SAFECRACKER CLUB (SCC); it will be available on the SCC website once launched.)
Alright! That’s right! You heard correctly! With the SAFECRACKER CLUB you can win up to US$100,000 instantly! So, now, he mentioned something called “Tokens.” So, Tokens—what are they? Tokens are a new reward that we are implementing throughout our whole Network. This will, in some cases, replace the collecting of DEALPoints; however, DEALPoints are not going away. So, we still have DEALPoints and FREE SHOPPING, but now we also have Tokens.
So, what are Tokens used for? As you heard in the video, you use Tokens to try your chance to crack the safe at the SAFECRACKER CLUB. And what you do at the SAFECRACKER CLUB is, you will use one Token and you will enter a 10-digit code (meaning, digits 1 through 0), in any combination; you chose what your code is for each time you try to crack the safe. And if you have the right combination, you could win up to US$100,000 instantly.
How do you get these Tokens? As you just heard, at the SAFECRACKER CLUB, for new members when they join for free, they receive 3 Tokens; that’s 3 chances to crack the safe. And with the new updates on Perfect Search, you will also receive the Tokens when you do searches. For every 10 searches you do on Perfect Search, you’ll receive 1 Token, instead of DEALPoints. And, as well, we will be implementing the Tokens across our Network, as I mentioned. So, for example, when you recommend a business, or post a review, or make a BOBLBOX, and many other activities, you will be able to get Tokens, and a chance to win US$100,000 instantly.
Now, even though I know we’ve mentioned this previously in other webinars and discussions, prize draws are not necessarily gambling. However, we know that not everyone likes prize draws; so, yes, whenever you collect a Token you will be able to choose if you would like a Token, or DEALPoints instead. It may, or may not be, a “1 for 1” exchange for the DEALPoints, it just depends on the activity. But you’ll see that whenever you collect a Token; you’ll see what your options are to choose—the Tokens vs. (or) the DEALPoints.
So, it’s important to understand: nothing has changed with our Terms, as far as how many accounts you can have. It is still one account per person. If you have a business account, separate and additional Terms will apply. So, if you ever have any questions, definitely see the Terms for details, or talk to Support, if you have a specific question.
Let’s talk more about the SAFECRACKER CLUB. What does it cost to play? As you may have guessed, it only costs 1 Token; and, as I explained, you collect those Tokens for free, by doing various activities across our Unicorn Network. Now, as I briefly explained about how you play, when you go to the SAFECRACKER CLUB, you’ll see, after you login, you’ll be able to enter your 10-digit code to try to crack the safe, and each time you enter a code, it will cost 1 Token; so it will simply be deducted from your balance (of Tokens).
So, what could you win? You can win up to US$100,000 instantly, as well as many other prizes—from DEALPoints to cell phones, jewelry, and a variety of other great prizes. So, what are your chances to win? Well, it really just depends on how many people are entering, and how close you come to getting the correct code. We don’t know what the code is; it’s super-secret. Only the person who cracks the code will know. So, collect as many Tokens as you can for the most chances to win, because each Token is 1 chance.
When does the SAFECRACKER CLUB start? It will be online very soon. It may be online as early as tomorrow, but otherwise, it will be happening very, very soon.
[Note from Support: Look for updates here in the Recap & PI News once the SAFECRACKER CLUB is opened in the coming days.]
How often can you play?—as often as you want; all you have to do is collect the Tokens. Does it end?—Nope. The SAFECRACKER CLUB will continue on giving away great prizes; and hopefully, very soon, someone will win that US$100,000 instantly, because that would be so exciting for everyone!

So, let’s take a look at how the website looks like. This is a little mock-up and you’ll see this online. That video that I played for you as well, will also be on the website when it’s online. As you can see, it’s our standard design; and you have some more information, and we’ll have our latest winners of all our various prizes posted there as well. So, we definitely wish everyone the best of luck, and hope you crack the safe, and wins lots of prizes!
Now, I just want to talk for a little bit about a couple of other points, so everyone understands a little bit more. Now regarding the Tokens—part of the reason why we implemented this new rewards system, is because it makes things a lot easier for people to understand; and as well, you can use some neat promotional ideas when you’re talking with people, and we will integrate many different things together for our business partners, as well. For example, when you invite someone to the SAFECRACKER CLUB, you can let them know, “Hey, you have 3 chances to win US$100,000 instantly, just by joining as a free member. If you don’t win the US$100,000 on those tries, you can simply do 10 searches at Perfect Search, for another chance to win. So, essentially 10 searches could get you US$100,000 instantly. It’s amazing!”
Another thing, too—if someone is looking at the FREE SHOPPING Club, for example, say you find something that you really like, and you go there, for example, it is 50,000 DEALPoints. It’s kind of difficult to think about it with our current system. Like, how long is it going to take to collect those DEALPoints, so you could get that cool thing from the FREE SHOPPING Club? Well, with this new Token system, you could easily (for example), if you’re just thinking about Perfect Search, you could say to yourself, “Oh, I just have to do 500,000 searches at Perfect Search, and I could get that item.”
Now, when you play at the SAFECRACKER CLUB, you have lots of opportunities to win DEALPoints; like chunks of DEALPoints, you know—100 DEALPoints, 1,000 DEALPoints, and maybe even 10,000 DEALPoints. So a Token is really a valuable tool for everyone and a great reward, all at the same time.
So, look for these updates coming online, soon. As I say, we have so many great things coming out over the next week or two that definitely you want to be paying attention to the PI News; and as well, checking for any other updates that might be posted in the WAZZUB Community, or across our other channels. So, definitely be sure to register for our upcoming webinar on Nov. 11th, at 11:11 AM (U.S. PT.)
Be aware, too, that the U.S. is going through its time change, and it’s actually coming this coming Sunday, Nov. 6th; so the webinar on Nov. 11th may be at a little bit different time for you than you’re used to. So, definitely be aware. In the U.S. we fall back one hour; so just be aware of that.
And as well, if you are able to come to Las Vegas, you definitely want to send an email, so you can reserve your tickets for the Most Famous Award Show, and the Biggest Talent Contest New Season, Kick-Off Party, happening on Nov. 7th, at 9:30 PM, at the Bally’s Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.
I know Gee is so excited to meet everyone and I am, too; so definitely we look forward to hearing from everyone and seeing everyone at the Most Famous Award Show. Also, as I said, be sure to list in your email how many tickets you need, and if you want assistance with the hotel room; if you want to stay at Westgate Hotel. So, we’ll see everyone there!
So, that’s all from me for today. Thank you very much, everyone! Have a fantastic rest of your day or evening, depending on where you are. WAAZZUUUB! Remember to bobl, enter to win at Jackpot Directory, be proud to be a Unicorn, and always, HAPPY HEALTH to everyone! Bye-bye, folks! Thank you very much! Have a great day!
With your success in mind,
Cate Kozikowski and
your WAZZUB Support Team
Posted November 5, 2016
There are now various Promotional Tools to help you promote and invite artists to Biggest Talent.
These tools are located in WSS, and there are some specific ways that each are used best, so please read this whole update before you begin using the new BT promo tools.
1. The new Biggest Talent promotional landing page is now online, you can see it at
Here is how you use this site, it is specifically designed for the new person you are sharing this with to enter an "Invite Code" this Invite Code is your username with Unicorn. They will not be able to join unless they provide a valid Invite Code (username); this is done so that you can simply add your username as the invite code on promotional flyers and the promo cards that we have designed for you, as explained further below.
2. When you login at WSS, click on PROMOTIONS & INVITING from the center MENU after login.

Then click on "ENTERTAINMENT"

Then select "BIGGEST TALENT"

And then you will see many different Affiliate Tools to help you promote Biggest Talent to all your friends and family.

If you click on the "BIGGEST TALENT FLYERS", you will see 3 different flyers with 2 options each.

For the different flyers, they were all created with some specific promotion ideas in mind. First understand for any flyer that is listed as "PRINTER FRIENDLY" this simply means the text on the flyer is all black for less costly printing as needed (you still have the BT Logo in color, however if printed in black and white, the logo will show in grey scale, so that is fine).
To use the BT promotional flyers effectively keep a few things in mind, the FLYER 1 & FLYER 2 are intended to be hung up in places and are designed to be easier to read from farther away. Be sure to add your username as the Invite Code before you hang them up.
When people visit the biggesttalent.info page and click FREE REGISTRATION, they will be directed to enter an Invite Code, which is your username, so there is a place to add it on the flyers.
Now if you are hanging up the flyers and someone wants more info, or you are hanging up a flyer at a location where people will be able to see it up close easily, then we recommend the FLYER 3, as it has more information on it than Flyer 1 and 2.
All of the flyers are PDF files that you can download, print, and add your username as the Invite Code, simply click on the buttons and they open in a new tab.
And last but not least, if you click on the "BIGGEST TALENT REFERRAL CARDS", you will see the promotional cards we have designed for you.

The cards are a PDF file that you can download, print, and add your username as the Invite Code, simply click on the button and it opens in a new tab.
One last note, all of the Biggest Talent reflinks are fully operational and good to use. You can use the regular reflink as you see in the promo tools on WSS, or you can use the https://www.biggesttalent.com/username combination, where you enter your own username instead of "username" and additionally, as noted in today's update, you can use the flyers and promo cards with your username as the Invite Code and the biggettalent.info website. So whichever way you choose, you have more tools to help you invite great local artists to take part in the Biggest Talent Season 3 contest. We will have more updates on additional Biggest Talent Promo Tools soon as well.
In other updates, in case you have not seen, the CBM update will be coming out as soon as possible. Check for updates on CBM next week. We will post in this recap as well when those come out. As well, the Unicorn Network updates are still in progress so check for updates on that and the Safecracker Club next week.
Happy weekend to all!
With your success in mind,
Your WAZZUB Support Team