November 23 & November 25, 2016
Presented by: Dan Settgast
Part one (November 23rd):
Dear Cashback Marketing customers and Affiliates,
As you know, we have faced some challenges during the last 2 months, caused by some cheaters who created more US$100,000 in financial damage. I am happy to inform you that all cheaters have been identified and removed from the system. They all have lost their memberships and their accounts, and funds and Marketing Units have been frozen, to decrease the damage they have caused. Additionally, we have hired a lawyer in India where the main fraudster is living, to file a lawsuit against him, and his family members who have been involved in the unlawful activities.
Of course, all loopholes have been closed, so that this kind of fraud cannot happen again. However, Cashback Marketing is still affected by this incident. Our team spent hundreds of extra hours removing wrong Marketing Units, commissions, and bonuses, which was distracting us from our main business; which is to develop marketing strategies for our Special Marketing Pools.
Unfortunately, our payment processor for credit card payments put a hold on our funds until December, because they saw a higher risk for charge-backs as a part, or result, of the fraud that happened. On top of that, our payment partners at 2Pay4You are still fighting to get their funds released to be able to pay us. So, as a result, as of today, we are waiting for about US$100,000 to be paid to our accounts, which is the money that we have planned to use for cashout requests. Therefore, we need to put all cashout requests on hold (at least until next week), because tomorrow is a major holiday here in the U.S. So, we won’t have any funds available before next week.
It is important to understand that we did not run out of money, but that the funds for cashouts are on hold (at our payment-processing partners), due to circumstances out of our control. Nevertheless, we have been working hard, and we are working hard every day, on making our Marketing Pools a huge success. For all 4 SMPs (Special Marketing Pools), we have started our activities, and I’m happy to update you today.
So, let us start with HAPPY HEALTH. We have hired a highly-professional, TV and video production team to produce the mind-blowing infomercial about Dr. Forsythe and HAPPY HEALTH. Yesterday, I received a short preview, which might give you an idea of how top-notch and exclusive this production will be.
[Dan played the preview infomercial]
I’m happy that at least a part of you were able to watch it, since it didn’t function properly. This video, even just the preview, is really amazing! At the same time, while this video was produced, we searched for and finally found a laboratory and manufacturer for the HAPPY HEALTH FORMULA Nutritional Products. They’re from Atlanta, Georgia, and their CEO and their Vice President of Production have met with Dr. Forsythe several times, to develop the perfect, high-quality mixture, based on Dr. Forsythe’s guidelines.
So the HAPPY HEALTH FORMULA Products will not be just another nutritional supplement; but these products will be the top-notch, high-end, nutritional supplements on the global market. I am the lucky guy to be personally testing the first shake, a special protein shake, for some weeks now. I have been to a doctor before I started, and I have been to a doctor at the end of last week; and I can tell you that this special protein shake not only tastes great, but I also lost weight, and my blood pressure is much better; as well as my cholesterol levels are much better.
For those who know a little bit about it, my LDL cholesterol in September was at 167. This is now down to 136 (about 20% less). This is huge. It is still a ways from really healthy, but these are really, really great results—and that’s just after a few weeks!
So, these products will be really top, highest quality, and finally, products created by a doctor who really knows what he’s talking about; because Dr. Forsythe tries to get all of his knowledge (and how he is helping his patients every single day in his clinic), into these products—which has never been done before like that. And the manufacturer in Atlanta is right now setting up the production line; so that right after the holiday, they will be able to start producing.
On top of that, we will promote many of Dr. Forsythe’s books (of course, about medical topics), in a special, exclusive HAPPY HEALTH edition—exclusively available with us. A professional press release has already been prepared, as well as a website, in our unique Unicorn Network design. And, as soon as the infomercial is finished, we will start a huge, global marketing campaign.
And, as we use the funds from the HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool, for all our marketing activities here that are related to HAPPY HEALTH (including the video, the press release, the global marketing campaign), we’re expecting a very nice return on investment, from our company’s point of view. So, we will be able to pay you (the Cashback Marketing customers), who bought HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool Units: the US$90.00 per Marketing Unit, within the given time frame of 3-6 months.
And you know we’re right now, in the first cycle, so all the preparation is happening right now; so the first payment of this is not just for HAPPY HEALTH, but for the other Special Marketing Pools as well. The first payment will happen more likely after 4, 5, or even 6 months, rather than after 3 months. And that is exactly what we have communicated from the beginning that our time-frame is 3-6 months.
So guys, talking about the other 3 Special Marketing Pools, I have created a presentation; but this software (I don’t know why), is not allowing me today to get it on the screen. Maybe I have to remove and re-install the software. I’m really sorry about that; and it is important that you see the slides and presentation. It will make it much easier for you to understand the level that we’re working at; and really, the high quality.
So, as I mentioned before, tomorrow is a holiday here in the States (and it’s a major holiday), so the webinar recap will be released anyway on Friday. So, we will have a second part of this webinar on Friday, same time at 11:00 a.m.; and I will take the time to have a script prepared, so the full webinar can be released on Friday. Just in case the technical difficulties are still there, we will have the recap on Friday anyway, but I would love to share the exciting updates and presentation with you. You might hear it in my voice. I’m really sad, and disappointed now that this doesn’t work, for whatever reason.
So hopefully, so far, it was some exciting news for you. Your patience and understanding when it is about the cashout, is highly appreciated. Please, do me a favor, and see Cashback Marketing as what it is; and that is, a company specialized in long-term, global marketing strategies—and we’re just at the beginning of our journey.
So, thank you, guys, for listening today. And to all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow: Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s meet again on Friday, 11:00 a.m., PST, for the second part. Thank you, guys, talk to you soon. All the best, and always HAPPY HEALTH!
Part two (November 25th):
Today, we have our second part of our webinar, which started on Wednesday. The bad part is that I am still struggling with technical issues, and I do not want to make the software crash again, so I will tell you the news of course, but I will not share any images here in the webinar, so please check those in the recap for more information on what I am talking about here today.
I told you about our HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool (SMP), what we have planned there, and what we have set up. What we have left to speak about are the other 3 SMPs and what we are planning there.
All three of them are exciting, so let us start with PERNUM Special Marketing Pool. At PERNUM we have two (very crucial for the success of PERNUM) strategic partnerships in the making:
1) A strategic partnership with an International Banking Group for PERNUMPAY, because PERNUMPAY will make us independent, as well as the whole Unicorn Network, from any other payment processor. That means, thanks to this International Banking Group, any Unicorn member (obviously of legal age) can easily open a PERNUMPAY cloud account. It will be an easy process to load money to your account through credit card or bank wire; and now you will be able to pay for goods and services within the Unicorn Network, you'll be able to send money from member to member, and you will be able to pay in online stores, as well as in local stores, restaurants, and other venues.
And thanks to our personal numbers (our Pernums), we will be the first payment processor keeping your personal data private. No business, no shop, no restaurant, nobody you pay through PERNUMPAY will receive your credit card details, or e-mail address. If you pay at a local shop or restaurant, they won't even know your name; and there is no Data Mining, which means there is no secret profile where someone is collecting the info about where and when you have been shopping or dining. And guys, the way other companies, the big dogs, are collecting data, this will be one of the hottest topics in one, two, three, four, five years.
And with our system, everybody will want a Pernum. Even if many members will stay with a free Pernum, even private people will want an easy-to-remember personal Pernum to be paid for; and like domain names on the Internet, businesses will pay a lot of money for nice, short business-related Pernums. That is what our Special Marketing Pool for PERNUM is all about. So, we have blocked thousands of special business-related Pernums. Pernums consist of numbers but they work like vanity telephone numbers, where instead of numbers you can put letters so that you can create words. One of the functions of a Pernum is to be a website address, a URL, as well. And just like I am the lucky guy who is allowed to test the HAPPY HEALTH Products first, I am also the lucky guy to test the PERNUM Browser first. My personal Pernum is 2, and in the vanity alphabet the number 2 is for the letters A, B, or C. I have connected my Pernum with my BOBLWALL, so instead of typing in the PERNUM browser, if you simply type in the number 2, or the letter A, B or C, guess what happens?—It will bring you to my BOBLWALL because I set it up like that.
So, a Pernum (personal or business) can be linked to any website, and because a Pernum consist of numbers, we have no copyright issues. That is already all approved. Talking for example about Coca-Cola, you would have copyright issues if you would register any URL, or any website domain containing Coca-Cola. In the vanity alphabet, Coca-Cola is 2622 2652, and that is a simple number. In the vanity alphabet, it means that whoever has this PERNUM and uses it with the PERNUM Browser by typing in CocaCola, they will get this member's website, whatever it is. Can you imagine that somewhere in the near future Coca-Cola might be interested in buying this PERNUM? Yes, but of course for a much higher price, like website domains have been sold for millions of dollars. So what we are doing right now before we start offering Pernums, is setting up everything so that PERNUM is really highly attractive, and that really every private person and business will need a Pernum.
2) Which brings us to our second strategic partnership...

We are negotiating to not just have a PERNUM App (we will have that as well), but there is a chance that we will have a PERNUM phone. A PERNUM phone means that instead of phone numbers, you will be able to use the Pernums to make calls; plus, and this is most important for our mobile world, you will be able to shop and pay online, as well as locally at local businesses and restaurants—with your mobile phone, simply from Pernum to Pernum, with no extra technical devices needed for the business, and with no data transferred beside your Pernum when you make a payment.
The great thing about our potential strategic partner for the PERNUM phone, is that just in the United States they have a network of more than 20,000 shops in city centers and shopping malls, where they sell phones. So why should it be interesting for them to sell the PERNUM phone, which will be a Brand name phone, with all PERNUM functions preinstalled? Because we told this strategic partner that we have a five-generation affiliate commissions and a Family Bonus system, which means that whenever someone who is not yet a Unicorn member is buying a PERNUM phone, this person will be in the strategic partner’s first generation; and whenever they make a payment, close a deal, or order something, they will earn money, unlimited. When they sell any other phone, they only earn one time. And now, additionally, they have a growing recurring income. So the more people have a PERNUM phone, or have the PERNUM App installed on their mobile phone, the higher the interest of businesses, and the higher the prices will be that businesses are willing to pay for a nice Pernum.
So let's talk about the next Special Marketing Pool, let's talk about the Call Center SMP. We did a test drive and we found out that it is not the perfect solution to simply hire external Call Centers, that it is much better to build a Service Network around the Call Centers. That is why we are right now hiring here in Las Vegas, not just Call Center agents to sell (to make the calls), but we are also establishing inbound Call Center agents for customer service, especially for our business customers. And we found out that through a Call Center we are only able to sell basic Marketing Services to the businesses, and that it is much more effective in many cases to sell them a basic service, or even just to give them a free listing in our network first. Then, in a second step, we send a sales agent in person to the business to talk about additional services. By doing it this way, we simply have much bigger success; because on the phone it is absolutely a no-brainer for a business to receive a free listing, and if you have given something to them for free, then that is the perfect door opener for the sales representative to upsell the business to our premium Marketing Services. So we will have this set up and tested here in Las Vegas, so that we are able to fine-tune our marketing campaign, and then to copy and paste it all over the world through our network of PerfectPages and We Share Success Country Managers, and Regional managers.
The last Special Marketing Pool is the E-Commerce SMP. We have negotiated with several companies about having exclusive rights to sell certain products, and I am happy to tell you about one of these products.
Those of you who have seen the interview highlights video for the Most Famous Award show, (our live show that we had here in Las Vegas on November 7th, which will be globally broadcast on December 17th), in the interview highlights there is one guy, his name is Phillip Mandella, and he is CEO of the company named PyraTea. They have a brand new product in development, which is a product for the target group “gamers and e-sports”, to give them an alternative to the so-called energy drinks, which mostly consist of sugar and caffeine. So at PyraTea they have developed a much healthier and easier to use alternative, which gives the gamer the same energy and focus boost, but much faster and again much healthier.
So they already agreed that this product will be available exclusively through the Unicorn Network, and as it will be a drink powder in pouches, it can be easily shipped and sold all over the world. Of course, for us at the Unicorn Network, it is great, because this product will give us access to people of age 14-25, which right now is not yet our strongest members group.
Guys, you should check for e-sports and the e-games industry; it is unbelievable! You not only have websites where millions of mostly young people watch other gamers play video games, I have learned that here in Las Vegas, we have at least one huge live event, that you could compare to a concert of a rock star, it is unbelievable! Thousands of people in a stadium, and instead of two teams kicking a ball, you have some young guys on stage playing video games, and they are displayed on huge screens, and everybody is excited.
So this is a huge market, and of course like with the HAPPY HEALTH Products, it is the same with the guys from PyraTea; they strive for top notch quality, so they are the perfect match for the Unicorn Network. This is just one of several products where we are negotiating, and our marketing specialists from New York, they are already in the process of setting up sales websites and matching marketing activities.
One of these activities is that we will be the sponsor of one of the most successful e-sports teams. And the numbers I have learned are really unbelievable. They play a huge tournament, and they have up to 10,000,000 people watching their games online. Here comes the kicker: if these guys in front of the camera say a sentence like, "Wow, now I need an energy boost!", and they use the PyraTea Boost products, many of the people watching will start to ask, “Hey what did he just say?”, or “What drink did he take?”... So they will order just because these guys, the successful guys, used it; so this is really, really exciting!
On top of all that, we will start our own e-commerce marketing activities, and we will start tomorrow.

Most of you might know that we have a very special sales algorithm (patent pending), and this algorithm allows us to give up to 99% discount literally on everything. For the next three days, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (until noon US Pacific time on Monday), we will celebrate our first Mega Deals Weekend! We will sell genuine jewelry and eBooks, both deeply discounted. And here is the good news: we will have a flat rate shipping for the jewelry (of course the eBooks are delivered without shipping costs electronically.) So, talking about the jewelry, no matter how many pieces a customer will buy, the shipping cost will always stay the same. We are really talking about gold, silver and titanium rings, and other jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, pendants, and all are high quality with rubies, garnets, diamonds, and we will have them at prices cheaper than anywhere else!
So, here is how Mega Deals Weekend will work. Every item has a starting price and every 10 seconds the price goes down by 1%, and no matter how many users are watching this article, only the first person pushing the DEAL Button, will receive the item at that current price. The price goes down to a randomly set minimum price, and this can be for any product, there's no limitation on specific products. Any product can go all the way down to 99% discount, which might be a pendant made from silver for US$0.50, or a ring with real diamonds for US$7.00! We have seen deals like that in earlier times, when we tested our sales algorithm publicly.
So, finally we are back, and we have thousands of jewelry items in stock; and all orders will be shipped next week, so everyone should receive their orders before Christmas globally, of course in the United States. We have a shopping cart in the Mega Deals Weekend, which means you can hunt for the best deals the whole weekend, and then at the end make one payment; pay just one time the flat rate for shipping, and be a happy customer. Of course this Mega Deals Weekend is some kind of a final test drive, so that in the future we will be able to offer our business partners’ products. We can make a Mega Deals Weekend or even a Mega Deals Week, exclusively with their products.
So that's it for today; that was the missing part. Hopefully the info that I shared with you today helps you to understand about the huge potential that our Special Marketing Pools have, and what is the business behind the Special Marketing Pools. All four Special Marketing Pools have the high chance to reach the US$90.00 per Marketing Unit in return, before the 180 days are over, but imagine how the Special Marketing Pools can really become a stream of income from marketing activity on autopilot. Because once these systems are set up, of course it will take shorter, and the shortest time frame as you know is 90 days. Hopefully, based on what I've shared today, you can see that here is the real chance that we generate US$90.00 from marketing activities within 90 to 180 days, over and over and over again, because we can always adjust marketing strategies, we can always remove products which are not selling, and we can always add new exciting products.
But as always, there is one little catch and I have to share it with you once more, and that is that the Special Marketing Pools are limited. We received emails saying, “If I buy more and more Marketing Units for the Special Marketing Pools just from the money received, I would be a billionaire in a year, or two, or three!” Of course that sounds nice, but the marketing budget we need is not endless, so the day will come where we will close the Special Marketing Pools and only those who are in the marketing pools when we have reached the end of one cycle, and you have received your US$90.00 per Marketing Unit, only the existing customers will receive the offer to rebuy the same number of marketing units that they have had in the Special Marketing Pool. So my advice for you is to not wait too long, and ask those members who are with us for three, four, five years now, to join us; because when we say one day we will close it—that means we will close it. This is not a marketing strategy to push you, this is simply the truth. If you are thinking about buying more Marketing Units, you should do it now, and if you see your role at Cashback Marketing as an affiliate member, you should connect with your friends, business partners, family, whoever might be a potential customer at Cashback Marketing, and you should tell them about Cashback Marketing now.
Thank you guys for listening, watch for announcements, watch for the webinar recap, and of course watch for our Mega Deals Weekend, it is planned to start in 24 hours, so check for messages and announcements within the Unicorn Network. Thank you guys, all the best, have a great weekend and talk to you soon, bye-bye.
With your success in mind,
Dan Settgast and
your WAZZUB Support Team