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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Unicorn General Webinar Recap October 5, 2016 Presented by: Dan Settgast

Dear Unicorn Members,
Today it is all about Cashback Marketing. Unfortunately, the damage which has been caused by a handful of fraudsters is much bigger than expected. We, as the company, decided to communicate with you straight and honest, so that you know exactly what is happening behind the scenes.
It all started with some suspicious cashout requests, which had to be investigated; just to find out that the cheaters had found two loopholes to manipulate our system.
Loophole number one: placing an order and asking for the order to be deleted; with a special setup, the order had been marked as “paid,” right before it has been deleted. So, unpaid Marketing Units have been added to the customer's account; 20% Commission have been added to the sponsor’s account, and five times 2% Family Bonus, as well, to the next five generations upwards.
Loophole number two: placing a small order, paying for it from the balance, and duplicating it by refreshing a certain page, which would have the same effect for the Marketing Units, Commissions, and Bonuses being added for no reason. 
Both loopholes of course, have been closed, but about 60 accounts have been manipulated. And because we have paid daily cashback on these accounts for unpaid Units; from this cashback, more orders have been placed, resulting in more false Commissions and Bonuses.  Therefore, the errors are not fixed simply by removing the unpaid Marketing Units. We need to check every single account by hand, for every order that has been created during these fraudulent activities.
So, for every order placed and not paid for, we need to check the account which ordered, plus the direct sponsor, plus five more accounts. As we have hundreds of fraudulent orders, it simply takes time; and unfortunately, our manpower is not unlimited; and even worse, those people working now on fixing these accounts are not able to work on their regular tasks.
On top of that, during our investigation, we found two members who obviously collected money from other members, but did not forward the money to the company; and two other members who tried some credit card fraud. You can rest assured that whenever we identify one of these fraudsters, that we will take legal action on all of them, no matter where they live. 
In one case, where a member from India caused the damage of more than US$100,000, we are already in contact with a local lawyer who is specialized in things like these. Of course, all cheaters will lose their membership rights within the whole Unicorn Network, and all their benefits, Commissions, Bonuses; as well as, paid Marketing Units, and such, are forfeited.
So, the direct financial damage is no fun, but the indirect damage hurts even more. As you know, we had to take Cashback Marketing offline for several days in order to close the loopholes, and to add some additional security features. This means that we had to shut down and reboot the whole business; which meant no orders for several days, a lot less orders after going back online, and of course, a loss of reputation. This kind of damage can easily add up to more than US$1,000,000. 
All I can tell you is that many businesses would simply shutdown forever. But fortunately, we have the strength to survive a situation like this, and that is why we are still here and having this webinar today, to explain to you what happened; and of course, to ask for your understanding and patience.
Of course, we know that our existing customers are disappointed about the fact that we had to set the daily cashback rate to 0% for the Old Global Marketing Pool until everything is fixed; which means until all unpaid Units are removed, as well as overpaid Commissions and Bonuses.
We still do not know how long it will take exactly; and on top of that, with our much lower cash flow since we have been offline with Cashback Marketing, the rate for daily cashback at the Old Global Marketing Pool won't go back to 1% for a longer period.
We have received some emails asking why we do not pay the guaranteed interest of 1% per day on their investment. So, please allow me, once more, to clearly point out that Cashback Marketing has never been, and will never be, an investment opportunity. Like we have it written and displayed on our website, right from the beginning, cashback is our Marketing Instrument to share our success with our customers. Of course, it depends on not just Cashback Marketing, but the general success of our group of companies. And right now, because of the whole damage caused by the cheaters, there is simply no budget available for any cashback in the Old Global Marketing Pool right now. As I mentioned before, the rate won't get back to 1% right away. It will be a longer process.
So, what have been our rules for the Old Global Marketing Pool from the beginning? From the beginning, we said that we will pay a daily cashback between 0-1%, and we have been at 1% from March until September; and due to circumstances out of our control, since September 22, we are at 0%. As the name of our company is Cashback Marketing, of course, we want to return to paying cashback somewhere between 0-1% as soon as possible. 
You need to understand that we never guaranteed the 1% per day; even if it is still our goal of course to be so successful that we are able to be back at 1% for the Old Global Marketing Pool. But you need to understand that our main business is not the cashback, but the marketing; and you have bought Marketing Units for marketing activities—that's our business.
Regarding the pending cashout requests, the money to cover all of them has already been deposited at Payoneer, and at our credit card account with Euro Exchange. We already have been able to identify the first accounts which are not affected by the cheaters, and those cashout payments have already been processed. Once more, it is not about the money; we've got the money to pay all cashout requests on our accounts. It is about the false Commissions, and Bonuses, and cashback that had been credited for unpaid Marketing Units. This needs to be fixed first, before we can cashout. So, more and more of you will receive payments within the next days, and we should be on top of everything within the next 2 ½ weeks.
With our added security, in the interest of all of us, it is very important that you go to your Profile page at, and that you upload, additionally to your existing Proof of Identity (POI), a Proof of Address (POA). It is exactly explained there what we can accept as a proof of address. 
And of course, to protect all of us, we will check every POI and every POA before we verify your account, and before we process any payment to you. If we would find that your POI is expired, it will be deleted, and you will receive an e-mail that you need to upload a new valid Proof of Identity. By the way, only because we've been asking for POI right from the beginning, now we know the names of the cheaters and fraudsters; and that is the only reason why we will be able to take legal action. So you can see, it is all for a reason.
Our Current Global Marketing Pool (GMP) cashback is fixed and guaranteed at 0.13% per day, which is about 4% per month, and up to 50%, if you keep your Marketing Units in the Current GMP for a whole year. This cashback rate, once more, is fixed and guaranteed; so, that won't change. As well, our Special Marketing Pools (SMP) are fully operational. 
For example, for the HAPPY HEALTH Marketing, we will have another video shoot this Saturday here in Las Vegas, with Ray, who is the Founder and CEO of the laboratory which is developing the HAPPY HEALTH Formula Products, based on the guidelines of Dr. Forsythe; and they are the manufacturer, as well. So, for our HAPPY HEALTH Formula Products we have one of the best doctors (if not the best doctor) on board, as well as one of the best (if not the best) facilities to produce natural supplements for HAPPY HEALTH Nutrition, with the highest quality standards. 
HAPPY HEALTH Formula is not about producing some cheap stuff in a quality-wise unknown location. HAPPY HEALTH Formula is about delivering the highest possible quality, and having the perfect mixture of ingredients for the best results. There is a huge market for these kinds of products, and with our highly, professionally-produced video teasers and documentations, we will have a huge impact on the market. And all Marketing Units placed in the HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool will benefit and profit from every sale, because we're taking this marketing budget to produce the marketing videos, and other marketing material. 
I think there should be no doubt that the HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool will reach the US$90.00 per Marketing Unit in Affiliate Commissions much sooner than in 180 days. It should be the same for the other Special Marketing Pools as well. For example, for the e-Commerce Special Marketing Pool, we have hand-picked some very, very exciting products, which can be sold all over the world, which have a high sales’ margin. And for these products, our marketing experts are creating special websites, pictures, blog entries, and Facebook posts to create a buzz, and to create traffic for these pages.  Of course, as soon as these pages are online, we will show you and share with you at least one example, so that you understand what the experts are doing. We will generate tons of sales, and that is why we are convinced that all four SMPs will reach their goal of US$90.00 in Affiliate Commissions per Marketing Unit, before 180 days are over. 
The Special Marketing Pools are the perfect opportunity for all those of you who don't have any marketing experience, and for those of you who do not even have your own products or business to promote.  The Special Marketing Pools are like hiring a marketing expert, giving them a budget, and letting them do the magic for you. Here, at Cashback Marketing, you just need one Marketing Unit to start with, if you want; and you know that one Marketing Unit is just US$30.00.
So once more, our Current GMP, as well as the SMPs, are fully operational. If you, right now, decide to wait before you place your own Marketing Units into one of the SMPs, and if you decide to wait before you invite others to join Cashback Marketing, it is you who will be missing Affiliate Commissions, sales Commissions, and Family Bonuses.  I know that especially for those of you who have Marketing Units in the Old GMP, it is a tough decision to transfer your Marketing Units from the Old GMP to the Special Marketing Pools; but honestly, this is the best thing that you can do. 
We are 100% sure that the Special Marketing Pools will have more return than the Old Global Marketing Pool, if it would be added daily rate of 1% for a whole year, 365 days. Therefore, we have decided to make you an offer:
For those of you who have Marketing Units in the Old Global Marketing Pool, if you transfer your Marketing Units from the Old GMP to the SMP, and of course, after 90 to 180 days you keep at least the same amount of Marketing Units in the Special Marketing Pools, additionally to our budget-back guarantee (and I'm talking once more only about the Old GMP, and Units moved from the Old GMP), we will give you an additional guarantee, that just in case that the Special Marketing Pools do not perform better than if you would have received 1% daily cashback for 365 days, that we will fill up the result for you. 
So, the caveat (stipulation) is that, generally speaking the Special Marketing Pool runs from 90-180 days each time. So, in order to qualify for the offer, a member would need to use some Affiliate Commissions each time to keep buying the same number of Marketing Units for a full 365 days, in order to qualify.
For example, let’s say you want to move 10 Marketing Units from the Old GMP to the HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool. If you keep those 10 Marketing Units in the Old GMP, you would receive (in best case), 1% daily cashback, which would equal a total of US$3.00/day, which after 365 days would equal a maximum of US$1,095.
So, with the Special Marketing Pools, if you move those 10 Marketing Units over to the HAPPY HEALTH Special Marketing Pool, for example; after 90-180 days, you would get US$900. Then, you would buy another 10 Marketing Units from that; and after another 90-180 days, you would receive another US$900 in Affiliate Commissions; rinse and repeat. So, even if you only participate in 2 Special Marketing Pools over the course of 365 days, you would earn US$1,800 instead of only US$1,095 through cashback.
The catch is that you would need to follow through for the whole 365 days; so, if the Special Marketing Pool pays in 90 days, you would need to buy another batch of Marketing Units from some of your Affiliate Commissions, and keep going until Sept. 22, 2017.
The special offer runs from exactly Sept. 23, 2016 to Sept. 22, 2017. All Marketing Units from the Old GMP transferred to any SMP before Oct. 15, 2016, at 12 PM USA Pacific time will get the time backdated, as if they transferred them on Sept. 23, 2016. So that is why the timeframe is like this.
So, we will add, for those of you who have Marketing Units in the Old GMP, a special button tomorrow, where you will be able to read and understand this very special guarantee to you; and you will have time, until October 15th (so 10 days), to make your decision.
The button “Limited Offer for Old GMP Units” can be found at right after you log in, at the bottom of the IMPORTANT INFO box.


Here is one more special gift to you, if you decide to transfer your Units from the Old GMP to our Special Marketing Pools. We will handle your Marketing Units as if you would have moved them to the Special Marketing Pools right on September 23rd; because we know that you have had no chance to move them, because we went offline on September 23rd; and we know of course, that you have been waiting since we were back online (Monday, September 26), to see if we would be back to 1% daily cashback right away. And that is why we decided to so-to-say date back the Units in the Special Marketing Pools to September 23rd, if you decide within the next 10 days to transfer them from the Old GMP to the Special Marketing Pools.
Nevertheless, this special offer is valid for any Marketing Unit transferred from the Old GMP to any SMP, since the time the SMP was opened until Oct 15, 2016 at 12 PM USA Pacific time.


Hopefully, you can see that once more, even in critical situations, we always think about you first, and try to make you happy, as much as we can. Please have in mind that the rules for the Old Global Marketing Pool is daily cashback between 0-1%, so hopefully you can see that this special offer, and additional guarantee, is a very nice and generous offer.
[Note: Understand that you can mix up which SMP you place Marketing Units into each time, you do not have to keep the Marketing Units in the exact same SMP that you started with before Oct 15, 2016. If you don't receive at least $109.50 within 365 days from regular SMP affiliate commissions per Marketing Unit, we will pay the difference to match $109.50 (which equals 1% daily cashback for 365 days) as long as you keep at least the same total number of Marketing Units in any SMP until September 22, 2017 at 11:59pm USA Pacific Time.]
Thank you guys for listening. In two days, on Friday (October 7, 2016, at 1:00 PM, USA PDT), we will have our next Unicorn Network General Webinar with our main topic: the Biggest Talent contest. 
[Note: The webinar has been rescheduled for October 11, 2016. For more details please check the PI News]
Other than that, WAAZZZUUUBBBB! Don’t forget to bobl, be still proud to be a Unicorn, and always HAPPY HEALTH. Thank you guys. Bye-bye.
With your success in mind,
Dan Settgast, and
your WAZZUB Support Team