So today, we will talk about PERNUM. For those of you who have never heard of PERNUM before, PERNUM stands for PERsonal NUMber. Try to imagine instead of having several different numbers and addresses, like for example a telephone number, an account number, an e-mail address, and a physical address, we have created a system where you have one number, and that is your PERNUM for all purposes. So your PERNUM is your PERsonal NUMber, and is one number with multiple functions.
I am happy to present to you today the most important functions of PERNUM.

The first function of your PERNUM is that your PERNUM will become your new email address. No more letters, no more @ symbols, no more (dot).com etc.; your e-mail address will be a number.
The good thing about PERNUM is that you are in control. You set up from which senders you want to receive emails, which means that PERNUM is 100% spam free. Of course if someone of your accredited senders would send you spam, you would easily be able to remove them from your list.
So how does this work?
If the sender has a PERNUM as well, you will be able to send and receive emails within PERNUM. If the sender has no PERNUM account yet, they will need to send an email of course through their e-mail provider, and as their email provider is working with common e-mail addresses, they would need to send an email to your PERNUM, let's say 12345@pernum.net (I am pretty sure it will be “.net”). So you can receive emails from outside of PERNUM and you can still setup which senders are allowed to send you emails.
You, as a PERNUM member, you can set up what shall happen with an email received. You can keep it in PERNUM or you can forward it to one of your regular email accounts. So for example if you have a business email account, you can tell PERNUM to forward certain emails from certain senders to your business email address. For friends and family, you don't want to receive those emails on your business email account, so you can set up PERNUM to forward emails from friends and family to your private email address.
So now what happens if you might need to change your email address, because you might have a new job or your private email account got hacked? Now you don't have to inform your contacts about your new business email address or your new private e-mail address, you simply change those email addresses in your PERNUM account, and your PERNUM stays the same.
Your PERNUM is for your lifetime, which means once you have decided what you want your PERNUM to be, your personal number will never change.

Feature number two. We will have our own PERNUM browser and within the PERNUM browser your PERNUM will automatically be your website address. This means that no matter if you have your own website, or you have a blog, or a Facebook page, or a BOBL page, the people will just type in your PERNUM and they will be automatically forwarded to the page you set up. Here it is the same; you can split it into business and private contacts and you are able to send them to different pages by sharing the same PERNUM with them.

Feature number three is that your PERNUM will help you to save money by receiving discounts. So when you are connected to a businesses as a customer, or maybe just as a receiver of their newsletter, and they know only your PERNUM (so you are not sharing all your private details: your name, email address, telephone number, whatever), as they will be able to give specific discounts to specific groups of customers, and if you are in some of their groups, you will see those discounts and special offers.

The next feature is that your PERNUM is automatically your ticket ID for lotteries, prize draws, and sweepstakes. And without sharing any of your personal data with any third party, you will be able to win up to US$100,000 in cash and many, many other prizes.

Feature number five. PERNUM will be your navigation system. If you want for example to drive to the house of a friend for the first time, the only thing you need is the PERNUM of your friend. The PERNUM APP will guide you and navigate you to the right address. No more misspellings of street names, no more switched house numbers, you just need the PERNUM and that's it. The same if you invite someone to your house, there is no need to give the whole address, just give them the PERNUM and that is enough. Of course, people accredited by you will be able to see your address. So if someone who is not allowed and not accredited by you to see your address, would try to navigate to your address using your PERNUM, they would simply see a message saying that they are not allowed to use the navigation with your PERNUM.

The next feature is that your PERNUM will be your telephone number as well. So if you would like to call someone from PERNUM to PERNUM, it is really easy like that, just dial the PERNUM and you will be connected. For privacy reasons, here it is the same; only people where you have authorized calls will be able to call you. So no more unwanted calls with PERNUM.

PERNUM will even be your address for shipping. If the sender is a PERNUM member, and they want to send something to you, they just need to type in your PERNUM and they will see your shipping address.

And if you want to meet more than one person, so a group, which can be a business meeting, or birthday, or an anniversary, simply login to PERNUM, take all those who are invited, set up the meeting details, and that's it. Now, if they want to learn about the meeting, they just need to click the “meet” icon in the PERNUM APP or the PERNUM website and they will see the meeting details.

The next feature of PERNUM is that you will be able to chat in privacy, which of course is most important for group chats. You can start group chats and only invite certain other PERNUMs, as well as be in an open chat with other members who will only see your PERNUM. If they are not in your list, they won't be able to send you emails, or call you, or to connect with you in any other way.

The last and maybe most important function of PERNUM is PERNUM PAY. Together with your PERNUM membership, you will have a secure online wallet and you will be able to connect this wallet with your bank account, and you will be able to apply for the PERNUM debit card. Whenever you are in a participating shop, you will be able to pay just with your PERNUM. You don't have to give your credit card or any other personal details. The business will have a PERNUM as well, so simply send the amount you agreed on, or what your bill is, from your PERNUM to their PERNUM. They will immediately see the money received so they can print your receipt, and fulfill the services or hand out the product that you have bought. PERNUM PAY is the most private and the most secure way to pay. And for businesses, it will be much, much cheaper than accepting credit cards or other mobile payment systems like Google Wallet or Apple Pay for example, as well as PayPal or other payment processors. They don't need any extra equipment, the only thing they need is a PERNUM, and that's it.

In a few minutes I will share with you what the PERNUM website looks like, and as always we will make the website live about 24 hours after the webinar, when the written webinar recap is available.

PERNUM will be in pre-launch until the end of July. On August 1 we will have a public launch with all the functions in place. Between now and August 1, we will have step by step, even in pre-launch the first functions available.

So what exactly is your PERNUM? What will it look like?
Your personal number has 10 digits. If you are already a member of the Unicorn Network, including all pages like WAZZUB, PI, We Share Success, and many more, you don't need to sign up again, simply login with your Unicorn Network login credentials. When you login or sign up (which of course is free to join), you will see a PERNUM already set up for you. And it may look like this:

It has 10 digits, and now you might say “OK I like this PERNUM and I will stay with it.” And that is fine. However, we have an option for you to pick your favorite PERNUM.

And if your favorite PERNUM has 8 to 10 digits, you will need to pay US$1 to reserve your lifetime favorite PERNUM. And the shorter you would like your favorite PERNUM to be, the more money you would need to pay, as follows:

For a seven-digit PERNUM the price is US$10
For a six-digit PERNUM the price is US$100
For a five-digit PERNUM the price is US$1000
For a four-digit PERNUM it is US$10,000
For a three-digit PERNUM it is US$100,000
For a two-digit PERNUM it is US$1,000,000
Now you might say, “Wow, who would pay that huge amount of money just to have a two-digit PERNUM?” Well I can tell you that people all over the world pay millions of dollars, and in some cases even more than $10,000,000 for special telephone numbers just in their telephone network. Or they pay huge amounts for special license plates for their cars, and it is the same here. Of course a short PERNUM will be some kind of a status symbol, so there will be private people and especially businesses willing and able to pay 10,000, 100,000, or even one million dollars to have a two-digit PERNUM.
Imagine if you picked 42 as your two-digit PERNUM, so your e-mail address would simply be 42; your telephone number no matter from where someone is calling you, your telephone number is 42; your address is 42; and your account number is 42.
The bad news is that one-digit PERNUMs are not for sale.

So when you pick your favorite PERNUM, you can pick digits, for example 5432112345. That is 10 digits and that will cost you US$1.00. That is your PERNUM for your lifetime, and there is no additional charges for your PERNUM. There is no monthly or yearly membership fee either; it is a one-time fee for your favorite PERNUM.

What you can do as well is that you can pick letters. When you have a mobile phone and you check the dial pad, you can see that every letter is connected to a certain number, and that means that you can create words with numbers; it could be a business name, it can be your personal name, or generally any other word.
Here for example for the name Michael, the numbers are 6 for the M, 4 for the letter I, 2 is for the letter C, and so on. So 6424235 would be the PERNUM for you to tell the people that your PERNUM is Michael, and when they dial 6424235, you will receive the call. If they would type Michael into the PERNUM browser, they will see your website. When they send an e-mail to Michael, you will receive the e-mail, if the sender of course is accredited by you.
So now, let's have a look at how the website looks like (www.pernum.com):

You will see that of course the website is in our unique design, which assures that it looks good on computers, laptops, tablets, and on smart phones as well. And you can see here that there is a box JOIN OUR AFFILIATE PLAN, and it says:
Invite others to join PERNUM for free and receive lifetime commissions on every order. It is free to join our powerful affiliate program and you will receive a lifetime 20% commission on every order of members who have been invited by you. On top of that, you will receive bonuses from their affiliate activities.
Those of you who are already members of the Unicorn Network, know that for every affiliate's activity in your five generations, you will receive a so called Family Bonus. So that means if you know a business and this business is signing up for PERNUM now for free, and let's say in a month, or two, or three, they decide to buy a shorter personal custom PERNUM for let’s say US$10,000, which is a four-digit PERNUM, you will receive a 20% commission, which is US$2000.
If you invite a business or a person to join PERNUM for free, and one day they decide to order a two-digit PERNUM, you will receive 20% which is US$200,000. If this happens in one of your five generations PERNUM family, you will receive a 2% Family Bonus, which still would be US$20,000 on a two-digit PERNUM.
But there will be more money to be earned with the PERNUM affiliate plan. I mentioned before that we will have a branded PERNUM debit card. This PERNUM debit card of course will not be an average debit card; the PERNUM debit card will be loaded with additional special offers and discounts. Whenever a member invited by you will decide to order the PERNUM debit card, you will receive 20% of the price paid.
So by inviting free members to join PERNUM, you are creating a lifetime passive, absolutely passive income, because there is nothing for you to do besides inviting the free members and there is nothing that you would need to sell.

So that is it for today; hopefully you like what I have shared with you about PERNUM. As I told you, in about 24 hours from now, we will have the written webinar recap, and together with the written webinar recap we will launch the website.
You will find in the webinar recap screenshots as well, so that you know how to login as an existing member, and as a new member how to sign up; as well as of course how to secure your personal favorite PERNUM.
Thank you for listening, have a great day or great night depending on where you are. WAZZUUUUUUBBB, remember to bobl, and be proud to be a unicorn. Thank you, bye-bye.
With your success in mind,
Dan Settgast and
your WAZZUB Support Team
Additional Information from WAZZUB Support:
As an existing member, to Login at PERNUM (www.pernum.com):

Click the SIGN IN icon; enter your Username and password to login.
As a NEW Member, to sign up for PERNUM (www.pernum.com):

Click the FREE SIGNUP button and then click to SIGN UP FOR PERNUM...

Then enter your details and fill out the form to become a member of PERNUM and Unicorn Network.
After Login at PERNUM:
Once you login at PERNUM, you will see your system generated FREE PERNUM. If you like this number, then there is nothing more to do, the free PERNUM is yours forever.
If you would like to customize your PERNUM, follow the instructions below.


Enter your favorite PERNUM in numerical digits and click to CHECK AVAILABILITY.
If you are looking to create your favorite PERNUM in letters, check this image below to see the corresponding numerals for each letter you would like to include.

So for example, to create the custom PERNUM "Michael" you would enter "6424235".

Congratulations, your favorite PERNUM is available. To secure your favorite PERNUM, click to ORDER NOW.

Choose how you would like to pay for your favorite PERNUM.

All payment methods will be available after Monday, May 23, 2016 (USA PDT).

After Monday, May 23, 2016 when you finalize your payment, you click MAKE YOUR PAYMENT. If you no longer want the custom PERNUM you created, click to CANCEL ORDER.
You must complete your payment within 7 days from your order to secure your favorite PERNUM forever.

For your reference, here is the PERNUM Pricelist.
(Note for all UFMs, the 50% discount is no longer available.)
If you have any questions or challenges, contact our Support Team for assistance.