Dear Unicorn Members,
Let us get started right away; this is a very, very important topic. We will talk some numbers today so if your first name is not Albert and your last name is not Einstein, I would suggest that you get a pen and paper and maybe a calculator so that you can check the numbers right away, and prove that the numbers that I give you are correct.
So the topic today is the secret to successful online marketing. I can tell you that what you will learn today, this content that I will share with you is very valuable. I know that other so-called marketing gurus charge their members and customers hundreds of dollars for a session like this. Don't be afraid, of course our webinars are free to join.
So let us start by talking about the real secrets to successful online marketing.

15 years ago, marketing was for businesses only. You needed to have your own business, your own products, your own services, and of course, you needed to promote it. So you picked some Marketing Instruments and a Marketing Strategy and promoted your business.

Today, every individual can earn from marketing thanks to the Internet. Because thanks to the Internet we have a totally new form of marketing…

…and that is the so called Affiliate Marketing. Many businesses offer so called Affiliate Programs. You simply join their Affiliate Program, you promote their products or services, and each time when one of your friends, family, users, members, or whatever, is ordering, you earn a commission. So you don't need your own business, you don't need your own products, you don't need your own services, the only thing you do is promote. The only thing you do is some marketing. Let me give you an example.

One of the most successful Affiliate Programs online is from Amazon. And you, as an individual, can join the Amazon Affiliate Program. Now, you can pick any product that is offered at Amazon, for example a dress…

…and when someone is ordering this dress on Amazon through your Affiliate link…

CHA-CHING! You receive a commission. The commission is normally a certain percentage and it depends on what kind of product it is, and on how much the commission is. So in this example let's say the dress is worth US$500 and the commission is 5%, so you would receive US$25.00 paid from Amazon, each time when someone is ordering the product through your Affiliate link. Sounds easy, but unfortunately it is not.

Let us check why. So if you want to place your Affiliate link and promote it, you need a URL (a domain name for your website where you will display the Affiliate link), and of course you need a website. And on this website if you just would put Affiliate links to several products, nobody would like your website, so you need content on your website. For example, if you want to sell fashion for women, you need content related to that topic, and by the way, you add here and there your Affiliate links to help promote the product. And it does not help to have just one-time content, you need to refresh your content over and over again.
Now when you have your URL, you have your website, you have your content, what you need next is traffic. If no one is visiting your website, no one will click on your Affiliate links, so no one will buy anything, and you won't receive any money. So you would need to do some Search Engine Optimization so that when people search for fashion they will find your website, you will need to place some ads, maybe at Google or Facebook to attract people to your website, and of course you have to pay Google and Facebook for displaying those ads. For Google and Facebook, for them it is not important if anyone is buying something on your website, you pay them just for the traffic. So it is all on your own risk.

So for an average person, or especially for a newbie in online marketing, it is very difficult to succeed with Affiliate programs. That is why we have created our Special Marketing Pools at Cashback Marketing, where you set your budget, and you know it is starting at tiny US$30.00 for one Marketing Unit.

Then our experts do the job for you.

Now let's talk a little bit about the power of Marketing Pools. You have tens of thousands of online marketers who earn between some hundreds, to several thousands of dollars per month by doing professional online marketing; and of course, they have their monthly budget. You can clearly see from statistics that the higher their budget is, the more money they earn.
Many people do this as a side job, having a monthly budget of for example US$500, so they might earn US$300, US$500, and maybe US$700 per month, which means they earn US$1,000, they keep US$500 and they use the other US$500 as the budget for next month.
Now if you talk with fulltime online marketers, who earn US$3,000, US$5,000, US$7,000 per month, you will find out that they have a monthly budget of some thousand US$; for example they have a budget of US$4,000 and they earn per month US$10,000, so they keep US$6,000 and use US$4,000 as their budget for next month.
If you ask these marketing experts what would happen if they would have a budget of US$100,000 or US$250,000, US$500,000, or even one million dollars, they would tell you that they would earn even more. Because the higher your marketing budget is, the more Marketing Instruments you can combine for maximum success. And if you ask them, “OK why don't you have a US$500,000 budget”, they will tell you, “Because I don't have that much money”; so they do their thing every month and they're happy; working from home with no fixed times.
But I know that most of you are no marketing experts and you would not know where to start, and you would pay a lot of money for online courses, and there would still be no guarantee for success. And I am pretty sure that most of you would not have enough funds for a good marketing budget.
So with our Special Marketing Pools, we create a very special opportunity for you, because you can be a part of a huge marketing budget with your US$30.00, or with your US$150, or US$300, or US$600, or whatever. You can rest assured that our marketing experts do the job.
Remember you set your budget, and our experts do the job.
Of course, our experts want to be paid, and of course, we do pay them, but as they don't have to deliver the budget, we have something to share with you.

So now let's check some numbers. I know that many of you have parked Marketing Units in our Old Global Marketing Pool, where we pay up to 1% daily cashback. Now let us think the best-case, that we continue to pay 1% cashback per day for the Old Global Marketing Pool. So that means on one Marketing Unit you receive US$27.00 within 90 days. And you receive US$54.00 in 180 days, but guys once more, these amounts are not guaranteed. So to give you an example: if your 1% daily cashback right now is, let us say US$400 per month, you should not go to the car dealer, buy a brand new car, and get a loan to pay that car, because the monthly rate for the loan is just US$400 and you receive that from daily cashback.
So let us check for the Special Marketing Pool.

You receive for one Marketing Unit a maximum of US$90.00 in a maximum of 180 days, and this might be new for you—a Budget Back Guarantee covers our Special Marketing Pool. It is our goal to reach the US$90.00 in Affiliate commissions within 90 days. Our maximum timeline is 180 days. If we don't make at least US$30.00 (which has been the price for your Marketing Unit) within 180 days, you will receive the difference to what we have made, credited for new Marketing Units. But, once more, it is our goal to reach the US$90 in Affiliate commissions within 90 days.

Now let us compare the cashback vs. the Special Pool; lets calculate just with one unit.

So after 90 days add 1% cashback per day, you would have received US$27.00 in the best-case. And in the best-case for the Special Pool, you receive US$90.00, but of course you would take US$30.00 to put it into the same or another Special Pool. So what you receive is US$60.00.

After 180 days, with cashback would have received another US$27.00, for a total of US$54.00, and in the Special Pool, you would receive your next US$90.00, and again you would put US$30.00 back into the Special Pool, which brings you to a total of US$120.

After 270 days, another US$27.00 from cashback, (please always have in mind we're talking in best-case), and at the Special Pool you would have another US$60.00 because you received US$90, and you would put US$30.00 back.

So after one year you would've received US$108 in cashback, and in the Special Pool a total of US$270 received. So, you can clearly see that the Special Pool is businesswise, definitely a better decision.
Now here comes the part where you will need some pen and paper to follow the next numbers, because here is another more fair comparison. Let us check.

After 90 days, cashback calculated with 1% per day, brings you US$27.00. And you know that in the Special Pool in the best-case, you receive US$90.00. So in this comparison, you just take out US$30.00, which is very near to the US$27 so you receive the same amount, but now you have US$60.00 to go back to the Special Pool. So for the Special Pool, you are cashing out US$30.00 and you put US$60.00 (2 Marketing Units) into the Special Pool. So after 180 days, what is happening?

For the cashback you are now at US$54.00, and in the Special Pool, say you cash out another US$30.00 so that brings you to a total of US$60, which is just a little bit more than US$54 with the cashback example. But how much did you receive in the Special Pool? Instead of 1, you had 2 units, so you don't receive one time, but you receive two times US$90.00, which is US$180. You cash out US$30.00, which means that you can put back US$150 into the Special Pool. US$150 is five Marketing Units working for you. So let us check what happens after 270 days.

With the daily cashback worth US$81.00, and in the Special Pool we do the same once more. You just cash out US$30 which is still slightly more than the US$81.00 in cashback, because now you have the total of US$90.00. But remember you have five Marketing Units working for you in the Special Pool, so how much money did you receive from the Special Pool?—five times US$90 and that is US$450. And you just cashed out US$30.00. So now you have US$420 to put back into the Special Pool.
So after 360 days with the cashback you are at US$108. And now here is my question to you:
If now you would cash out all the money you receive from the Special Pool, after 360 days, how much money is that?

(Chat was opened for answers)
The answer is US$1,260.
So let's see, US$1,260 are 14 Marketing Units times US$90.00. And by the way you still have the US$90.00 that you cashed out before so that brings you to a total of US$1,350.

So just on one-year calculations, the Special Marketing Pool beats daily cashback by up to a factor of 12. Please have in mind we have calculated the best-case here for both, daily cashback and for the Special Marketing Pool.
So let us go back once more.
Just to make it clear: One US$30.00 Marketing Unit with cashback, in best case turns into US$108. One Marketing Unit in the Special Marketing Pool, and then every 90 days buying another Marketing Unit for the Special Marketing Pool from your commissions, and not out of your pocket, leads to between US$270 - US$1,350 within one year (or more depending on how many units are put into the SMP during that year).
And here is a special message for those of you who already did not believe the 1% daily cashback. Remember, what I told you about the online marketing experts, they for example have a monthly budget of US$4,000, so they earn US$10,000, and they keep US$6,000, and from their profits they pay their marketing budget for next month. So after 12 months from a US$4,000 budget they will have received 12 times US$6,000, which is in total US$72,000. So what we're talking about here is simple business that happens online thousands and thousands of times while I am talking to you here. But, remember our topic is the secret to successful online marketing. None of the online marketing experts is interested in sharing their secrets with you, because they want you to click on their Affiliate links. Cashback Marketing is part of the Unicorn Network and it is a success-sharing phenomenon; it is our highest goal to share our success with you. And that is why our Affiliate program and [our] Affiliate network is We Share Success. That is why we have created the Special Marketing Pools. Honestly, the 1% daily cashback was our marketing strategy to get you interested and to get you on board; and yes the name is Cashback Marketing but our focus of course is on the MARKETING. If you are smart, you will follow us and instead of sitting, waiting and hoping for the daily cashback, pick your favorite Special Marketing Pools and watch the miracle happening.

Thank you guys for listening. Hopefully I can welcome all of you on the professional side of online marketing and I want to see all of you smiling like this guy here.
Thank you guys, WAZZUUUUUBBB, don't forget to bobl, be proud to be a Unicorn, and always HAPPY HEALTH. Thank you.
With your success in mind,
Dan Settgast and
Your WAZZUB Support Team